NamibRand Conservation Foundation (NRCF)

The NamibRand Conservation Foundation (NRCF) is a not-for-profit organisation. It seeks to promote and assist in any way with environmental conservation, education and research undertaken on the NamibRand Nature Reserve and the south-western Namib region. The NRCF seeks to achieve this aim through the following objectives:

  • To support the education of decision makers, the general public and young people in conservation of the environment and sustainable utilisation of natural resources.
  • To support and raise funds for environmental research and education targeting ecosystem conservation and the protection of biodiversity.
The main beneficiaries of the NRCF to date are the NamibRand Desert Research and Awareness Centre (NRAC) and the Namib Desert Environmental Education Trust (NaDEET).


Mysterious bare circles in the sand dot the landscape along the edge of the Namib Desert stretching from the north-western Cape into southern Angola. These bare patches have been named “fairy circles.” These circles, which support little flora, are an integral part of the distinctive landscape of NamibRand Nature Reserve. Dune valleys and grassy plains are often speckled with fairy circles, making NamibRand the ideal place to view these unique phenomena.

While numerous scientists have researched these circles, no one has yet been able to ultimately determine their cause or purpose. Various theories of their origin have been suggested, including euphorbia poisoning, animal dust baths, meteor showers, termites and underground gas vents.

In the modern world of advanced research, innovative technology and information networks, it is refreshing to know that Nature can still keep some of her secrets.

You can add to your experience on NamibRand by adopting a fairy circle. All funds raised through this programme go directly to the NamibRand Conservation Foundation. For a donation of N$1,000 (U$67; €68 or £59 @ September 2022 exchange rates) you can adopt a circle for yourself or someone else. A numbered disk will be placed in your specially chosen circle and you will receive a certificate acknowledging your donation and recording the exact GPS-coordinates of your fairy circle.

To adopt a fairy circel or to donate to the NamibRand Conservation Foundation, please refer to the address at the bottom of this page.

For more information on fairy circles please click here:

Wolwedans Desert Academy

The Wolwedans Desert Academy at Wolwedans Collection of Camps is situated in the heart of the NamibRand Nature Reserve in the south of Namibia.

The programme is a lodge based training academy that teaches young Namibians all aspects of the lodge based operations and hospitality, including courses on food and beverage service, kitchen operations, housekeeping and laundry operations, maintenance, guiding and front office and administration.

Trainees are exposed to a variety of departments in the lodge based operation and learn the importance of working together and the essence of teamwork. Multiskilling is an important aspect in lodges and this is done with the trainees to ensure well rounded individuals that can slot into a variety of positions in any organisation.

The Wolwedans Desert Academy (DA) works together with the Namibian Institute of Culinary Education (nice) on a joint training programme, exposing trainees to both lodge and city based hospitality and restaurant operations. The institutions have a good balance of theoretical and practical exposure to ensure that all graduates are ‘employment ready’ at the end of the program of their choice.


The NRAC has recently been established on NamibRand and seeks to provide support and guidance for local, regional and international researchers and provides funding towards research focusing on management issues. The Centre provides accommodation and other facilities for visiting researchers. The Centre has established partnerships with renowned local and international research institutions and works in conjunction with the Ministry of Environment and Tourism, feeding back into national research. An interpretive/awareness centre is being developed as part of NRAC, targeting decision and policy makers and other audiences, to highlight the importance of conservation and sustainable utilisation of natural resources.


NaDEET is a non-profit organisation aimed to empower Namibians to make decisions for a sustainable future. It invites school, youth and educator groups to participate in a unique hands-on, experiential environmental learning programme at NaDEET Centre. NaDEET aims:

  • To provide environmental education for learners and educators of Namibia based in the Namib Desert.
  • To build capacity at all levels of the environmental education sector.
  • To engage in education, advocacy and awareness of the critical role of sustainable living.

Namib Desert Environmental Education Trust (NaDEET) is the educational core for the NamibRand Nature Reserve International Dark Sky Reserve.

Contact us

Danica Shaw

Chief Executive Officer
NamibRand Conservation Foundation

Tel: +264-61-224882


Adopt a fairy circle

We welcome your support. Your adoption of a fairy circle will ensure that the NamibRand Conservation Foundation can continue to support conservation in this unique area of Namibia through deserving awareness, education and research initiatives. In addition, you will have a small piece of NamibRand to take home with you.

For more information on fairy circles please click here: